
This week in State Parliament – 22 October 2015

This week in State Parliament, Liberal and National MPs questioned whether the Premier could still deliver his election promise to create 100,000 extra full time jobs in two years, given 7,800 full time jobs have actually been lost since Labor came to office.

We highlighted that police stations across the state have been forced to reduce their opening hours because Labor has failed to recruit extra police, leaving the community under-protected.

We opposed provisions in Labor’s same sex adoption legislation that would compel faith-based adoption agencies to either provide same sex adoption services or close their doors.

We also exposed the close Labor links of many of the appointments to the so-called “independent” Infrastructure Victoria board, risking the board being simply a rubber stamp for projects and policies the government has already decided on.

In the Legislative Council, we won cross-bench support to condemn Labor’s neglect of Victoria’s regional road network, including scrapping the Coalition government’s successful $160 million Country Roads and Bridges program.