
Royal Commission told of $225,000 of false AWU invoices

Revelations have continued about the alleged dodgy practices of union official turned Labor MP, Cesar Melhem.

 The Royal Commission was told yesterday that over $225,000 was falsely invoiced to various companies as OHS training, when it fact the invoices were for membership dues.

 It was also alleged that one company agreed to pay $25,000 for training for eight workers in order to end a so-called “community picket”, and the money was then split 50:50 and given to two workers who were union delegates.

 Meanwhile, Premier Andrews still refuses to explain why he won’t stand down Mr Melhem despite these mounting allegations.

 For today’s Age report, see MP accused of making a picket line ‘go away’ for $25,000 payment to union, for the Herald Sun see Labor MP Cesar Melhem accused of taking $225k for memberships and for The Australian see Bill Shorten ally ‘oversaw phantom union membership drive’.