在澳洲所有的州之中,维州以最恶名昭彰的建筑业行为位列澳洲产业腐败之首。 其中 CFMEU 建筑工会已因严重违反维州法律而被判罚 320万澳币的罚款。
然则,州长 Daniel Andrews 仍持续的和工会 CFMEU 有着千丝万缕,剪不断理还乱的利益瓜葛与複杂关係。 CFMEU 支持 Andrews 先生在工党内的派系并支付数以百万计的费用给工党来换取支持。
自Andrews 先生当选州长,他随即倒行逆施的废除维州政府建筑业的独立监察机构,执政至今,他一再忽视维州警察苦口婆心呼吁 “维州需要更严厉的法律来打击建筑业裡面犯罪行为” 的逆耳忠言。
维州和澳大利亚绝不容许,更不能纵容工党透过 CFMEU工会无法无天的行为,亦不会接受工会一再使用恐吓、暴力等恶劣行为打造的黑暗帝国。 相信有天正义终将战胜邪恶,人民的眼睛是雪亮的,纵使浮云能蔽日,阴霾也只是须臾。
英文版/English version
CFMEU lawlessness continues
Victoria is the worst state in Australia for unlawful industrial behaviour in the building industry. The CFMEU, the building industry union, has been ordered to pay over $3.2 million in fines for breaches of the law in Victoria.
Despite this, the Premier, Mr Andrews, continues his close ties with the CFMEU. The CFMEU support Mr Andrews’ faction within the Labor Party, and they give millions of dollars to the Labor Party.
Since Mr Andrews became Premier, he has abolished Victoria’s construction industry inspectorate and has ignored calls by Victoria Police for tougher laws to tackle crime in the building industry.
Victoria and Australia can’t afford to have Labor governments condoning ongoing lawlessness, threats and violence in the workplace through their ties with the CFMEU.