Box Hill中秋美食節慶祝活動
9月26日的星期六成千上萬的民眾齊聚Box Hill,在燦爛和煦的陽光裡、在各式各類的美食攤位及娛樂活動中歡慶一年一度的中秋美食節。
我在當天度過了一個愉快的時光,我和我的議員同伴 Neil Angus 和 Graham Watt 一起在 Box Hill 美食節和老友相聚的同時也認識了許多新朋友。今年的活動其中一個亮點是聯邦 Chisholm 選區自由黨議員候選人 Julia Banks 也出席當天的盛會,她所發送給民眾的中國燈籠不但是活動的高潮之一更吸引許多民眾前來排隊領取。
<唐書‧太宗記> 即有八月十五中秋節的記載,中國古時更有春天祭日;秋天祭月的習俗。 而 Box Hill 的中秋美食節除了是讓家人和朋友在這天可以齊聚一堂的節日外,周六的中秋活動更是澳洲不同背景的朋友們互動交流並且享受中華美食的好日子。
我在此致賀 “墨爾本台灣商會”,是你們與志工們的贊助讓這美好活動得以落實;也是你們的努力得以讓中秋美食節活動圓滿落幕。
Moon Festival celebrations in Box Hill
Thousands of people thronged to the Box Hill mall on Saturday to enjoy the 25th Melbourne Chinese Moon Festival, with glorious sunshine and great food, entertainment and stalls to visit.
I had an enjoyable time, together with my fellow MPs, Neil Angus and Graham Watt, meeting old friends and making new ones. This year we were joined by Julia Banks, the Liberal candidate for Chisholm, whose Chinese lanterns were very popular with visitors to our stall.
As well as an occasion for family and friends to gather at the time of the mid-autumn moon to celebrate a successful harvest, Saturday’s festival was an opportunity for Australians of all backgrounds to join in and enjoy the food, fun and festivities.
My congratulations to the Melbourne Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce, to the sponsors and to all the volunteers for making this event such an enjoyable occasion.