自由党谭保(Turnbull) 政府承诺拯救CFA
谭保政府日前做出承诺,如有幸连任,将推动法律改革,改善现今工会过强的失衡型态,使工会不能为所欲为的掌控类似郊区消防局 (CFA) 这类国家紧急救援的志工部门。
如此就能有效制止消防工会与州长 Daniel Andrews 把控制黑手伸入维州消防服务的力量。
谭保的承诺让选民有了更清晰明确的选择,把神圣的一票投给自由党,让自由党採取行动拯救 CFA,又或是把票投给工党,让支持 Daniel Andrews 计画的 Bill Shorten 再次强化工会的力量,并让 CFA 这类原本独立的部门一个个沦为工会的掌上玩偶。
英文版/ English version
Turnbull government pledges to save CFA
The Turnbull government has promised that if re-elected it will change the law so that unions can’t gain control over volunteers in emergency organisations such as the Country Fire Authority (CFA).
This will stop the move by the firefighters union and Premier Daniel Andrews to spread the power of the union across Victoria’s fire services.
The Turnbull government’s promise gives voters a clear choice – vote for the Liberal Party who will act to save the CFA, or vote for Bill Shorten and the Labor Party, who support Daniel Andrews’ plan that will destroy the CFA and who will give more power to unions across Australia.