

据上周新闻,数十名被定罪羁押的 Apex 帮派犯罪份子在短期内将被释放。 他们被羁押的刑期仅短短数个月,如此结果着实令人非常担忧。

还记得今年初 Apex 在 Moomba 节庆暴动时的景象犹让民众心有馀悸,而州长 Daniel Andrews 拍胸脯保证 Apex 犯罪团伙 “将会感受法律强大力量” 的话语言犹在耳,可如今彷彿一切都变了调。


从今天回顾州长的承诺,”他们会感受法律强大的力量”。 然则所谓的力量仅是不痛不痒,微不足道的惩罚。 风声大,雨点小,最终只有最严重的犯罪份子被羁押,而如今却连这些最严重的犯为份子在羁押数月后也都面临释放,他们回到邻里后,极可能再犯下更多更严重的罪刑。


司法体系需要更多的改革, 惩罚的轻重和年龄无关,和罪行有染。 强化法制,不再给罪犯不痛不痒的刑罚,不再让他们持续蔑视法律。 唯此方能保护邻里,避免生活的社区沦为暴力犯罪的乐园。



英文版/ English version

Apex gang members to released soon


I’m very concerned by newspaper reports last week that dozens of convicted members of the Apex gang are going to be released from custody soon, after serving a sentence of just a few months.


When the Apex gang first rioted at the Moomba Festival this year, Premier Andrews promised Victorians that Apex gang members would “feel the full force of the law”.


Now it seems that Premier Andrews’ promised “full force of the law” means little more than a slap on the wrist. Only the most serious gang members were locked up, and now even those serious offenders are soon to be released and likely to go back to committing even worse crimes.


The justice system needs to do more to protect the community from violent offenders, whatever their age, instead of offenders continuing to get away with it and treating the law and other people with contempt.