维州工党拯救 TAFE 行动惨遭滑铁卢
据维州政府上周公佈的数据显示,工党自当选以来,维州 TAFE 的入学率下降14 % ,很遗憾的告知大家,政府推动的 TAFE 改革失败了。
对比自由党 2014 年执政时的 TAFE 数据,2015 年维州 TAFE 入学人数急降 40,000 人,虽然政府努力打着 “紧急救援”、”拯救 TAFE” 等口号,可惜情况没有好转,反而急剧恶化。
事实证明教育管理与改革必须要认清方向,让市场决定 TAFE 保留和开放的教学课程,并非靠工会或政府过度干涉就可把事情做好。
即便工党口号很好听,即使有些话语很甜蜜,但再美的梦也需面对梦醒时分的残酷。 事实再次证明,无法用有效行动配合的甜言蜜语,一切终将成空。
英文版/ English version
State government cuts 40,000 TAFE places
Last week the State government released the latest statistics showing there has been a 14% cut in enrolments in Victorian TAFE institutes since the Labor government was elected.
40,000 fewer Victorians received a TAFE education in 2015 than in 2014 under the previous Liberal-Nationals government.
Before the last Victorian election, the Labor Party claimed they would “rescue” TAFE from a “crisis”.
Unfortunately, while the Labor Party talk a lot about education, their record shows their words become empty after they are elected.