

What new taxes will Labor introduce

当前维州已徵收全澳洲最高昂的税,如果 Andrews 工党政府再次连任,这些税也无疑将再次增高。

Andrews 州长已宣布数十亿澳币的政见承诺,羊毛出在羊身上,除非维州再次加税,否则兑现那些承诺将超出维州所能承受的税收负担。

Andrews 政府已对维州人民开徵或加重多达 12 项税,儘管他在2014 年选举中承诺不会有新税或加重课税,但结果依然如此。 其中包括购买或拥有房产的新税、加重购买汽车的税以及加重电力生产税。

对待维州人民,Andrews 需要更诚实一些,老实告诉我们,如果 11 月维州大选中工党胜出,政府将开徵那些新税或加重那些税,以此因应开出的承诺。


英文版/English version

What new taxes will Victorians have to pay under Labor?

Victoria already has the highest taxes in Australia, and those taxes will go even higher if the Andrews Labor government is re-elected.

Premier Andrews has announced plans for billions of dollars of new spending – far more that Victoria can afford unless there are huge tax increases.

Mr Andrews has already imposed 12 new or increased taxes on Victorians, despite his 2014 election promise of no new or increased taxes. These include new taxes on buying or owning properties, higher taxes on buying cars, and higher taxes on electricity production.

Mr Andrews needs to be honest with Victorians and reveal what new and increased taxes Victorians will have to pay if he is re-elected at November’s state election.