

上周我联同自由党领袖 Matthew Guy、影子警察部长 Edward O’Donohue一起参加由廖婵娥女士发起递交 “社区治安调查” 报告给政府的活动。活动在维州议会举行,大家表达和陈述对治安恶化的担忧。


据该调查显示,在维州许多华人社区的朋友都是治安犯罪恶化的受害者。 他们认为社会已越来越不安全,警察对于有效反应和打击犯罪上也已经左支右绌。




一个负责任的维州政府需要做得更多,也唯此才能让维州更加安全宜居。 我们需要更强而有效的法律吓阻并打击犯罪;我们需要马上加强警力而不是政府只讨论未来可能加强警力。



英文版/ English version

Survey highlights crime fears


Last week I joined Liberal Party Leader, Matthew Guy and Shadow Minister for Police, Edward O’Donohue, at a meeting at Parliament House hosted by Ms Gladys Liu to be presented with the results of a recent survey on Chinese community concerns about crime.


The survey highlighted that many Chinese community members in Victoria have been the victims of crime. They believe the community is becoming less safe and police are struggling to respond effectively and solve crimes.


People are unsure about buying luxury cars in case they are robbed and hesitate to recommend Victoria to friends because of safety. Some are even considering leaving the state.


The State government needs to do much more to make Victoria safer. We need stronger laws and penalties, and we need more police urgently– not just the government talking about possibly getting more police at some time in the future.