


澳大利亚国庆日是纪念 1788 年1月26日第一批从英国来澳洲的移民。这被认为是澳大利亚走入现代化国家的开端,当时引入的司法制度,直至今日依然适用,影响甚远。




英文版/English version

Celebrating Australia Day


Last Friday, 26 January, Australians celebrated Australia Day.


Australia Day is held on the anniversary of the arrival of the first settlers from Britain, on 26 January 1788.  This is considered to be the start of the modern Australian nation, and the start of the system of law which still applies in Australia today.


Australia Day is a day for Australians to celebrate our country, culture and achievements, and to teach younger generations about the values that make Australia a great place to live.


Australian values include being open and welcoming to people of goodwill from many different backgrounds, treating each other fairly, respecting the law, supporting democratic government and helping others.


Australia Day is a time to appreciate the good things we have and to look for ways to make Australia an even better place to live in future.