
海外人士买房新税调至 7%,市场波动在所难免

维州政府上周公佈的预算显示,海外人士购买房屋或公寓楼除了原本要付的印花税外,其额外税率将增至 7% 。

自今年 7 月 1 起,海外人士购买物业的总税最高可达 12% 甚至更多,以海外人士购买 50 万澳币的公寓楼为例,应缴税金额为 $60,070 澳币。

凡事过与不及皆有所害, 每一个决策的背后都有相应的风险。 维州政府针对海外人士买房做出税率调控不排除传递出一个信息,一个不欢迎海外投资人、间接鼓励投资人去它州又或他国投资的信息。基于澳州联邦法律控管,海外投资人只能购买新房, 在维州推动新税率一旦造成房屋、公寓开发数量降低,则租金上涨的风险就难以避免。

政府介入市场固然可控管无形潜在的风险,但介入的管道、方式和力度都要谨慎掌握。 任何过度控管都可能带来市场不稳定的风险,无论对于投资人或是民众而言都不见得是好事。 急调海外投资人税率至 7% 的不良影响是否会因此发酵,还有待观察。



英文版/ English version

New tax on foreigners risks “not welcome” message


Last week’s State budget increased the tax on foreign purchases of houses and apartments to 7% of the property value, on top of the usual tax.


From 1 July this year, a foreign purchaser will pay land transfer duty totalling 12% or more for almost any purchase of residential property. For example, on a $500,000 apartment, the duty will be $60,070.


This risks sending a message to foreign purchasers that they’re not welcome in Victoria. As a result, overseas investors and students may go to other states instead, or not come to Australia at all.


Because foreign purchasers can only buy newly constructed houses and apartments under Commonwealth law, this higher tax also risks fewer new homes and apartments being built, and thus higher rents for Victorians who rent their home.