暴力!! 暴力!! 暴力犯罪犹如雨后春笋
维州入侵家庭暴力犯罪犹如雨后春笋,遍地开花。 短短一周内发生三起暴力歹徒闯入民宅的恐怖犯罪。 年轻歹徒于凌晨 3 点和 5 点间,分别强行闯入位于 Airport West 和 Essendon 的民宅,恐吓家人并强行夺走车辆。
无独有偶,Bendigo 地区也同样发生类似案件,一名男子在他家车库被歹徒闯入, 遭受攻击并夺走车辆,受害人被捅成重伤,目前已被送往医院治疗。
这类暴力犯罪在宽鬆的法律下肆无忌惮,此起彼伏。 大幅度删减警力造成的警力不足,导致警方犹如打地鼠般疲于奔命却又徒劳无功。
正如我之前苦口婆心的一再劝导,对犯罪过度宽鬆的做法必须停止。 我们必须停止对警力的删减、停止对青少年保释法的宽鬆、停止大量批准社区矫正令来取代应有的刑责。
英文版/ English version
More violent home invasions
The wave of violent home invasions across Victoria continued last week, with three families terrorised by violent criminals who broke into their homes.
Young offenders broke into homes in Airport West and Essendon between 3am and 5am in the morning, threatening the families before stealing their cars.
In another attack in Bendigo, a man was stabbed in the garage of his home before having his car stolen. The victim was taken to hospital with serious injuries.
These attacks are continuing while the state government weakens our laws and cuts frontline police numbers.
As I’ve said before, this soft on crime approach has got to stop. We have to end the police cuts, end the weakening of juvenile bail laws, end the watering down of community correction orders, and put dangerous offenders behind bars instead of leaving them free to re-offend time and time again