如果孩童在学校遭受霸凌,悲痛的经历,有可能给孩童留下终身难以抹灭的伤口。 有鑑于此,自由党领袖 Matthew Guy 宣佈,如自由党联盟政府在 11 月大选中胜出,将推动强而有力的反霸凌计划,保护孩童,免于各式各样的霸凌。
该计划包括教导老师,如何辨识霸凌迹象、如何及时应对, 同时也教导孩童,如何避免网路霸凌的发生。更会让老师和家长共同参与,规划如何防止学校霸凌,确保孩童和家长都清楚认知霸凌是不对的,遭受霸凌的孩童也应及时寻求协助。
自由党联盟的反霸凌计划,将会要求学校,对持续霸凌其他孩童的学生採取强而有力的措施,支持校长做出将霸凌他人者留学或退学的决定,并鼓励与奖励挺身而出,谴责霸凌,保护受害孩童的学童。 该项计划将保护孩童,免于各式各样霸凌的伤害,并用以取代极具争议性和不合适的 “安全学校” 计划。
英文版/English version
Keeping children safe from bullying
If children are bullied at school, it can cause them life-long grief and hurt. Liberal leader, Matthew Guy, has announced that he will introduce a strong plan to protect children from all forms of bullying, if a Liberal Nationals government is elected at November’s election.
The plan will include teaching teachers how to recognise signs of bullying, and what to do about it, teaching children how to avoid cyber-bullying, getting teachers and parents involved in planning how to prevent bullying at their school, and ensuring children and families know that bullying is wrong and bullied children should seek help.
The Liberal Nationals plan will also require schools to take strong action against students who keep bullying other students, will support principals when they decide to suspend or expel bullies, and will recognise and reward children who intervene to condemn bullying and protect victims.
This program will protect children against all forms of bullying, and will replace the controversial and unsuitable “Safe Schools” program.