中國抗戰勝利 70 周年紀念
最近我很榮幸受邀參加了兩個優秀且含義深遠的展覽,那是有關中國對日抗戰勝利 70 周年的紀念展。 該展覽除了闡述侵略戰爭的可怕、殘忍和大屠殺外, 更重要的是戰爭中也展現了中國人對抗侵略時的愛國情操、可歌可泣的英雄故事與中華民族百折不饒的偉大精神。
由大洋傳媒主辦的 “中國對日抗戰 70 周年勝利及世界反法西斯紀念展” 在墨爾本的墨爾本西區 (West Melbourne) 舉行;而墨爾本中華青年會主辦的 “中國抗戰70 周年勝利” 紀念展亦在墨爾本同步舉行。
70th anniversary of victory against invasion of China
Recently, I had the privilege of attending two excellent exhibitions on the 70th anniversary of victory against the invasion of China by the Japanese army.
The exhibitions tell of the terrible cruelty, suffering and mass killings inflicted by the invaders, but also tell of the heroism, patriotism and resilience of the Chinese people.
The exhibitions are an important reminder for younger generations of what their parents and grandparents sacrificed in order to defeat tyranny and achieve peace and freedom.
For those more familiar with western history of World War 2, the exhibitions make clear the massive scale of the destruction, killings and brutality against civilians inflicted in China, and thus help understand the makings of modern China.
The Exhibition of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War is being hosted in Melbourne by Australia Pacific Media in West Melbourne, while the Chinese Youth Society of Melbourne is hosting the exhibition Commemorating 70 years since victory in China’s National Defence.