問題始於大選前 Daniel Andrews 先生承諾消防員工會將會給予他們支持來換取工會的擁戴,而如今消防員工會正式提出要求要大幅度加薪並進一步調整工作待遇。
勞工皆有權為他們的工作爭取合理的調薪福利,但工資福利不應成為換取工會支持和政治利益的對價交換。不幸的是維州家庭恐將因州長 Andrews 先生對工會的承諾而面臨工會罷工、中止服務及高額帳單等成本付出代價。
Firefighters threaten industrial action
It is very concerning that the firefighters union is threatening bans or other industrial action in its pay claim against the State government.
The problem is that before the last election, Mr Andrews told firefighters he would support them if they supported the Labor Party in the election.
Now the firefighters are demanding that Premier Andrews give them big increases in their pay and conditions.
Workers are entitled to fair and reasonable pay rises for the work they do, but workers’ pay rises shouldn’t depend on how much political support their union gives to the Labor Party.
Unfortunately, Victorian families look set to pay a high price for Mr Andrews’ promises, with strikes, disruptions and huge wage bills.