

Autism help line

维州自由党已宣佈,如果在 11 月的维州选举中胜选,他们将为自闭症的孩童及其家人提出贴心实用的 “七大重点计画”。

该计划包括提供 24 小时热线服务,让有需求的家人可拨打电话寻求建议。 同时也为地方的自闭症爱心小组提供资金,让家人能给孩童提供辅导课程与购买所需的器材。



英文版/English version

Help for children with autism and their families

Children with autism and their families can face huge challenges, often struggling to understand what autism is about, and how best to get help and support.

The Victorian Liberal Nationals have announced they will introduce a seven point plan of practical and hands-on support for children with autism and their families, if they are elected at November’s state election.

The plan includes a 24 hour phone helpline that families can call for advice, and funds for local support groups where families can go for programs and equipment for their children.

This plan will also provide more disability aides at schools, which often face a difficult task to support children with autism at school.