山雨欲来风满楼,谭宝将对 CFA 採取行动
联邦谭保政府已宣布将反对州政府拟订有关郊区消防局 (CFA) 和消防工会的协议。 谭保政府与 CFA 义工们达成共识,皆认为州政府所提出的协议将限制郊区消防局 (CFA) 的正常运作、对突发事件的反应.,更会让消防义工做起事来过于缚手缚脚。
有鑑于此,联邦谭保政府将请求公平工作委员会 (Fair Work Commission) 不要批准该协议,与此同时联邦政府也会推动立法,使工会不得利用类似此次协议的手段和内容,损人利己,伤害广大义工权益的情况下,达到控制像 CFA 这类紧急救援服务的最终目的。
过与不及皆有所害,在任何体制中,权力的失衡都可能埋下无穷的祸根。正因如此,确保工会在保障劳工权益之馀,更需注意不让工会获得过多权力以致破坏平衡,更不能让这类过量的权力被误用或滥用, 在攸关社区服务和保障社区安全的组织上更应倍加小心谨慎。
English version / 英文版
Turnbull government to act on CFA
The Turnbull government has announced that it will oppose the State Labor government’s latest proposed agreement between the firefighters union and the Country Fire Authority (CFA).
The Turnbull government agrees with CFA volunteers that the agreement recently approved by the CFA will limit the ability of the CFA to operate properly and respond to emergencies and make it harder for volunteers to do their work.
The Turnbull government will therefore ask the Fair Work Commission not to approve the agreement. It will also introduce legislation urgently so that agreements such as this can’t be used to allow unions to gain control over emergency organisations like the CFA.
It is important for Victoria’s future to ensure that unions don’t gain excessive power that can be misused to limit or restrict organisations that provide vital services and protection to the community.